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Licensed facility standards

  • 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会専門医研修施設(日本耳鼻咽喉科学会認定)

  • 日本気管食道科学会認定専門医研修施設(日本気管食道科学会認定)

  • 日本頭頸部外科学会頭頸部がん専門医制度指定研修施設(日本頭頸部外科学会認定)

  • 社団法人日本アレルギー学会認定施設(日本アレルギー学会認定)

  • 日本内分泌・日本甲状腺外科学会専門医制度認定施設(日本内分泌外科学会認定)

  • 人工内耳手術認可施設(北海道庁認定)

  • 鼓室形成手術等の施設基準(年間50例以上:厚生労働省認定)

  • 補聴器適合検査判定施設(日本耳鼻咽喉科学会認定)

  • 新生児聴覚スクリーニング後の精密聴力検査機関(日本耳鼻咽喉科学会認定)

  • 鼻副鼻腔悪性手術等の施設基準(年間10例以上:厚生労働省認定)

  • 上顎骨悪性腫瘍手術等の施設基準(年間5例以上:厚生労働省認定)







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Our department actively performs surgery to improve hearing for the hearing impaired. We perform more than 50 surgeries per year, and are the only department in the northern and eastern Hokkaido region that meets the facility standards for tympanoplasty and other surgeries . We were also one of the first departments in the northern and eastern Hokkaido region to meet the facility standards for cochlear implant surgery for the severely hearing impaired, and to date we have performed the most surgeries (more than 30 cases).

Our department is the only one in Asahikawa that is certified by the Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Society of Japan as a hearing aid fit testing and assessment facility, and as a facility for detailed hearing testing after newborn hearing screening. We also operate a specialized outpatient clinic for hearing aids and children with hearing loss (the first, third, and fifth Friday afternoons) where we assess and adjust the suitability of hearing aids for not only adults but also infants.

We have a specialized outpatient clinic for serous otitis media (OME), a condition where water (exudate) accumulates in the middle ear cavity and causes hearing loss. We closely observe the eardrum and perform hearing tests and tests to check the movement of the eardrum to diagnose whether or not the patient has serous otitis media. Treatment includes tympanotomy, tube placement therapy, and medication, depending on the symptoms.

3. Dizziness, tinnitus, facial paralysis

The vertigo specialist clinic is held every Friday afternoon. Using a wide range of neuro-otological tests (pure tone and speech hearing tests, auditory brainstem response, otoacoustic emissions, electronystagmogram, infrared videonystagmograph, stabilometer, etc.), we diagnose and treat cochlear vertigo such as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, Meniere's disease, and vestibular neuritis, and differentiate it from central vertigo. For benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, we actively incorporate physical therapy such as floating otolith replacement. In addition, as drug treatment for chronic vertigo has its limitations, we provide vertigo rehabilitation for vertigo that is resistant to drug therapy, and have achieved good results.

When the cause of tinnitus is known, treatment is to eliminate each cause. One tinnitus treatment that has been attracting attention recently is TRT (tinnitus retraining therapy), which is also performed in our department.

For peripheral facial nerve paralysis (Bell's palsy, Hunt syndrome), we provide conservative treatment (steroids, stellate ganglion block, hyperbaric oxygen therapy) and surgical treatment (facial nerve decompression) for difficult cases.



5. Laryngeal paralysis, speech and swallowing disorders





Diseases that occur in different organs due to immunological abnormalities in the tonsils are called tonsillar focal diseases , and representative examples include palmoplantar pustulosis, IgA nephropathy, and sternocosto-clavicular hyperplasia. In our department, in cooperation with our dermatology, nephrology, and collagen disease departments, we perform tonsillectomy to treat these diseases, and have achieved a high success rate. In particular, for the treatment of IgA nephropathy, we perform tonsillectomy + steroid pulse therapy in collaboration with the nephrology department, and this has a very high success rate.
Recently, we have found that tonsillectomy is effective in cases of anaphylactoid purpura, IgA vasculitis, psoriasis vulgaris, Behçet's disease, and rheumatoid reactive arthritis, especially in cases where symptoms worsen during upper respiratory tract infection, and we are proactively performing surgery in cases suspected of this disease. We provide pre-treatment diagnosis and post-treatment follow-up at our tonsil specialist outpatient clinic every Thursday afternoon.





9. Sleep apnea




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For those who wish to receive medical treatment

Department introduction


A collection of our department's achievements

Collection of achievements

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Classroom Introduction

Professor's Greetings

History of the classroom

Staff list

research summary

Affiliated Hospitals

Overseas related facilities

To students and those looking for training

Becoming an ENT/Head and Neck Surgeon

Recommendations for joining

Specialist Training Program

Enquiries regarding joining, training etc.


Conference presentation


Competitive Scientific Research Funding


Newspaper and magazine articles

Classroom Event Records

For those who wish to receive medical treatment

Treatment Overview

Medical Treatment Results

2-1-1 Midorigaoka Higashi 2-jo, Asahikawa City, Hokkaido
TEL: 0166-68-2554 FAX:0166-68-2559

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Copyright (C) Asahikawa Medical University.

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